


Darshan is available to perform Live in multiple configurations ranging from sit-down acoustic duets to "plugged-in" big-stage ensembles. To discuss concert offerings please contact Eden Pearlstein at:


Full Weekend including any combination of the following: Friday Night Davenning, Saturday Services, Parsha Poem or D'var Torah (optional), Afternoon Study (optional), Third Meal Program (Singing and Stories), Saturday Night Performance.

Classes or Workshops

PaRDeS in Practice: A behind-the-scenes tour of Darshan's creative process. Get a rare glimpse into the multi-dimensional world of music and midrash in motion. In this class we will deconstruct the text and structure of a Darshan song in order to explore the exciting intersection of textual interpretation and personal artistic expression.

The Way of the Darshan:  This interactive workshop will include an introduction to Darshan's creative methodology and will give participants the opportunity to explore and deepen their own interpretive/associative/expressive/artistic process. Appropriate for both experienced artists and beginning level artists in training. 

Davennology: Dive in to the depths of the Divine with Darshan as we explore the Four Worlds of Jewish prayer including the spiritual technologies of embodied spiritual practice, heart-centered song, mystical poetry, silent meditation, standing in the presence of the Divine, the structure of liturgy, and the mysteries of the Hebrew language.

Melava Malka:  Literally "escorting the queen," the Melava Malka is a beautiful way to take leave of the Shabbat while at the same time ushering in the coming week.  Through song, poetry and teaching, this mystical "Fourth Meal" helps us to integrate our previous Shabbat experience and to irrigate the rest of the week ahead. (Saturday night program)

You Choose!: Do you have a particular topic that you want to explore with Darshan or through the lens of the creative process? We're open to suggestions! This could include a particular weekly Torah portion, an upcoming holiday, a particular life-cycle event, a particular body of Jewish literature or thought, a particular Jewish thinker or book, a particular spiritual practice from within the Jewish tradition, etc. You let us know what wellspring of Torah you want to immerse yourself or your community within and we will dive in with you!


Darshan is happy to create unique songs and poems for your Synagogue service, Bar or Bat Mitzvah, wedding, birthday, anniversary, holiday observance, or any other ritual or life-cycle event on a commission basis. You select the event or theme, let us know what your looking for, and we will create a one-of-a-kind poem or song for the special occasion or person that you want to honor, commemorate, or inspire. (*Note: "Aleph Bass", the psychedelic animated Aleph-Bet song/video was a commission. As was Darshan's "Chad Gadya", and ePRHYME'S "Gimme Shelter".)